Granada Fire Station Workshop Comments

The County's Summary of the July Pre-Application Workshop on the proposed new Granada Fire Station includes a summary of public comments as well as comments from reviewing agencies.  Coastside Fire Protection District proposes to construct a new 10,000 sq.ft. single-story fire station on Obispo Rd at Coronado to replace the existing Station 41 at Obispo/Portola (project webpage).

Coastal Commission staff comments raised concerns about tsunami hazard and CalTrans' long-term plans to relocate Cabrillo Highway to protect it from coastal erosion.  County Planning noted the need for a Use Permit, variances for the 30-ft building height where 16 feet is allowed, and for reduced side setbacks. 

The Local Coastal Program (LCP Policy 9.3) prohibits publicly-owned buildings intended for human occupancy (other than parks & recreation facilities) in tsunami inundation hazard areas. The proposed new fire station is right on the border of the mapped tsunami inundation area. If a site-specific tsunami study shows the project area being inundated, an LCP Amendment would be necessary, a process that could take 1-1/2 to 2 years.  The Planning Dept would offer to initiate the LCP Amendment based on "broader interests" in such an amendment.   

UPDATE on 12/4/15:  The tsunami hurdle has been met by a Nov 2015 site-specific study completed by Moffat and Nichol indicating less than 1% chance of a tsunami reaching the new fire station in any given year.