Neighborhood Commercial Districts

Midcoast neighborhood commercial districts (map) are mostly clustered east of the highway in Montara, Moss Beach, and El Granada. They are intended primarily for trades and services to meet the needs of Coastside residents, as opposed to the visitor-serving commercial districts located west of Highway 1.   

The existing Neighborhood Commercial ordinance (C-1) with the S-3 overlay district are antiquated and countywide. They don't contain adequate development standards to clearly and simply guide appropriate development that preserves the unique coastal small-town character of our Midcoast communities.  


2017 hotel proposal at 7th St/Hwy 1 in Montara brought this issue to the attention of the community. After a Pre-Application Public Workshop that project was withdrawn.  Comments: MCC & CCC

2017 Mar/Apr: MCC attempts to convince County that updated Neighborhood Commercial ordinance is needed specific for the Midcoast:  March MCC letter & presentationCounty reply (no), and April MCC followup.

2017 Nov: MCC & CDRC request consistent direct method of Building Height Measurement in the Midcoast -- specific definition should be inserted in 3 remaining ordinances (C1/S3, RM/CZ, PAD) to prevent default to averaging method.


C-1/Midcoast Open Study Sessions

2019:  Coastside Design Review Committee (CDRC) held monthly open study sessions May-Oct 2019 to review the existing C-1/S-3 ordinances, compare them with other more current and specific neighborhood commercial ordinances, and prepare inventory maps of existing uses in Midcoast neighborhood commercial districts. 

9/25/19 presentation at MCC - video @29min 
10/23/19 MCC letter renewing support

Study Materials:
Uses Permitted & Definitions
Existing Uses Inventory Maps & List
Development Standards
Performance Standards

References: background & comparison ordinances:
C-1 zoning ordinance -- S-3 combining district
CCR Coastside Commercial Recreation
C-1/WMP ordinance (specific for West Menlo Park)
NMU neighborhood mixed use North Fair Oaks - adopted 2015
Parking (Chapter 3 - countywide)
Montara-Moss Beach-El Granada Community Plan 1978 
R-1/S-17 (most Midcoast residential)