Harbor Dredging Future Plans

In order to secure Coastal Commission (CCC) approval for much-needed launch ramp dredging, Harbor District General Manager, Peter Grenell, submitted 6/13/13 letter outlining plans for dredge disposal going forward, assuring the CCC that alternate disposal sites would be sought with “particular attention to beneficial uses, such as sand replenishment for eroding beaches.”

On June 14 the CCC approved Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for reduced-scale launch ramp dredging with upland dredge disposal on the inner harbor beach next to the kayak stand (aka “Perched” Beach).  The staff report had been updated with letter from Supervisor Horsley and 6/12/13 MCC slide presentation.

Per 1/30/13 CCC email, Coastal Development Permits were not obtained for the two previous launch ramp maintenance dredge disposal events (1998 & 2006) at “Perched” Beach, which was not considered a dredge disposal site by CCC.